News Archives

The Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry 2014

Gold Medal: Prof. ohn F. Hartwig (University of California, …

Our recent works on “A Grossly-Warped Nanographene” are highlighted by

Our recent works on "A grossly warped nanographene" are high…

The 3rd International Conference on the MEXT Project of Integrated Research on Chemical Synthesis

1月10・11日に九州大学で第3回統合物質国際シンポジウム(The 3rd International Confer…

Assoc. Prof. Yamaguchi received Thieme Chemistry Journal Award 2014

Associate Professor Junichiro Yamaguchi received Thieme C…

(日本語) サイエンストークライブ2013 USTREAMで配信中

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.…

Prof. Itami will won the JSPS Prize

Prof. Itami will won the JSPS Prize.…

Our works were highlighted in “Cutting edge chemistry in 2013” on Chemistry World

Our recent research results, Synthesis of Warped Nanographen…

Prof. Itami has been featured in Newton Magazine…

Assoc. Prof. Yamaguchi received the Banyu Chemist Award 2013

Assoc. Prof. Yamaguchi received the Banyu Chemist Award 20…

Assis. Prof. Segawa has been promoted to ERATO group leader and associate professor

Assis. Prof. Yasutomo Segawa has just been promoted to ERATO…



Our research about CNT was highlighted on Journal 「SENTAKU」


Uehara and Yoshimura won ITbM Research Award!

Two guys from Itami group, Uehara (M2) and Yoshimura (M1), …

Lab trip


ERATO Itami Molecular Nanocarbon Project


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