News Archives

Our paper was selected as Top 25 most-read Chemical Science articles in 2013

Our paper on「One-shot indole-to-carbazole π-extension by a P…

The 94th CSJ Annual Meeting was held in Nagoya University


Graduation Ceremony 2014

The 6th HOPE Metting

Mr. Atsushi Yamaguchi (PhD student) joined the 6th HOPE me…

The 6th HOPE Meeting


Bachelor Presentation 2014


Dr. Kei Murakami arrived as an assistant professor

Dr. Kei Murakami join us as an assistant professor from Os…


Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.…

Itami Laboratory Facebook Page Opened!! Like us on the Facebook now!!

Itami Laboratory Facebook Page Opened!! Like us on the Faceb…

PhD Defense of Kazuya Yamaguchi

PhD defense of Mr. Kazuya Yamaguchi was held on February 24…

10th Yoshimasa Hirata Memorial Lecture was held

1oth Yoshimasa Hirata Memorial Lecture was held on 18th Fe…

Final presentation for master student.


Prof. Dr. Junichiro Yamaguchi was featured on The Chemical Daily

Prof. Dr. Junichiro Yamaguchi was featured on The Chemical …

Prof. Itami’s Novartis Chemistry Lectureship Award was highlighted in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.

Prof. Itami's Novartis Chemistry Lectureship Award 2013/2014…

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