Mr. Saito and Ms. Araki took a poster presentation in the Sc…
Dr. Murakami, Mr. Suzuki, Ms. Kubota joined the 5rd Young Re…
Saito, Yoshimura and Kato took a poster presentation in the …
Prof. Itami presented in the IGER international Symposium on…
Professor Kenichiro Itami's interview was featured in the Ja…
"Recent advances in homogeneous nickel catalysis", Sarah Z. …
Prof. Itami's passion for benzene has been featured in the e…
Mr. Ozaki & Mr. Muto awarded the student oral presentation a…
Prof. Kenichiro Itami awarded the Nankai University Lectures…
Emory University hosted Professor Itami as part of the Sigma…
JST-ERATO-Itami Molecular Nano Carbon Project HP was opened!…