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Farewell party for Artur

Okazaki Senior High School, Research Training Program in Itami Group.

Mr. Toshiki Asai and Ms. Kaori Minami, who are Okazaki high …

Prof. Kenichiro Itami wins the Arthur C. Cope Scholar Award of the American Chemical Society

Professor Kenichiro Itami was awarded the 2015 Arthur …

Prof. Itami has presented at the 49th Bürgenstock Conference

伊丹健一郎教授が、2014年5月4−9日にスイスで開催された第49回Bürgenstock ConferenceでC-H…

Ms. Maeda and Ms. Shibata won the President Award in the Science Forum for Young Women Scientist

 Ms. Maeda and Ms. Shibata won the poster award in the…

(日本語) 生体機能関連化学部会若手の会-第26回サマースクールに参加しました


ICOMC 2014 in Sapporo, Japan

Mr. Amaike, Mr. Muto, Ms. Yagi, Mr. Kondo and Mr. Yoshidomi …

Ms. Akiko Yagi’s article has been featured in Tokyo Shimbun and the Science Newspaper

先日、八木亜樹子さん (博士課程2年)が2014年度ロレアル-ユネスコ女性科学者日本奨励賞を受賞しました。その受賞記事…

Ms. Akiko Yagi has received the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Award 2014!

Ms. Akiko Yagi, Doctoral student in the Group of Prof. Itam…

2nd International Symposium on C–H Activation

6月30日から7月3日にかけてフランスのレンヌで開催された2nd International Symposium on…


Party for Undergrad 2014

Haruka Omachi was selected as one of 45 finalists in Reaxys PhD Prize 2014!

Haruka Omachi (previous member, 2012 PhD) was selected as …

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