News Archives

ITbM highlighted as a ‘ChemSites’ article in SYNFORM

The Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules(WPI-ITbM)has b…

[9],[12],[15]CPP on sale (Kanto Chemical Co., Inc.)

in the November 2014 dated 17 of Chemical Daily, comme…

ITbM has been featured in the Asahi newspaper.

ITbM has been featured in the Asahi newspaper.…

The Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry 2014

In October 2014 . 27 ( Monday)  The Nagoya Medal of Organic …


October 19th, we joined "2014 Biwa-ko Takashima Chestnut Mar…

Lab trip 2014

Lecture of Prof. Sodeoka

Dr. Jérôme Canivet presented in the IGER&ITBM&RCMS Seminar.

Dr. Jérôme Canivet presented in the IGER&ITBM&RCMS S…

Ms. Akiko Yagi’s article has been featured in Chunichi Newspaper

The other day , Ms. Akiko Yagi (D2) was awarded the 20…

Welcome Lunch


Softball Cup

61st Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry@Kyushu university

The 61th Symposium on Organometallic Chemistr was held at Ky…

Mr. Maekawa won the poster award in “From Carbon-Rich Molecules to Carbon-Based Materials”

Mr. Takehisa Maekawa won poster award in international confe…

25th Symposium on Physical Organic Chemistry@TOHOKU UNIVERSITY

Dr. Ito, Mr. Maekawa, Ms. Kubota, Ms. Maeda joined the 25t…

The 47th Summer School of Organometalic Chemistry

Yutaro Saito (M2) joined the 47th Summer School of Organomet…

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