News Archives

ISNA16 in Madrid

On July 5-10 2015, Prof. Kenichiro Itami, Akiko Yagi (D2) an…

NT15 in Nagoya University

NT15 was held in Nagoya University on June 29th-July 3…


OMCOS 18 in Barcelona, Spain

Associate Prof. Junichiro Yamaguchi, Mr. Kazuma Amaike (D3…

Mr. Muto was awarded The Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Mr. Muto was awarded The Nagoya University Outstandi…

Pizza party

Taki high school students toured ITbM new building!

Taki high school students toured ITbM new building on May 30…

Unveiling ceremony of ITbM new building

Unveiling ceremony of ITbM new building was performed …

Softball tournament 2015

Our group won the softball tournament

Our group won the softball tournament on June 5th! However f…

Prof. Itami’s presentation video at Lectureship Award MBLA 10th Anniversary Special Luctures is just released!

Prof. Itami's presentation video at Lectureship Award MBLA 1…

Dr.Atsushi Yamaguchi won the Oral Session Award for the Students!

Dr.Atsushi Yamaguchi won the Oral Session Award for the Stud…

Noda-cup 2015

Award Winner of The 11th Hirata Award Announced!!

Prof. Ashraf Brik was selected as the winner of the 11…

Prof. Itami was selected as the R. C. Fuson Visiting Professor in University of Illinois at Urbana-Chanmaign!

Prof. Itami was selected as the R. C. Fuson Visiting Profess…

Welcome party


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