News Archives

Welcome party 2017

Letitia Sarah won Nakamura-Usui Prize!

Letitia Sarah won Nakamura-Usui Prize!Nakamura-Usui Prize …

(日本語) 戸谷君が平成28年度名古屋古屋大学総長顕彰を受賞!

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.…

(日本語) C–Hイミド化の研究がChem-Stationで紹介されました!

Sorry, this entry is only available in 日本語.…

Graduation ceremony 2017

Graduation ceremony was held on March 27th.Mr. Kawai, Ms…

Graduation ceremony 2017

Prof. Kenichiro Itami has been selected to receive the 23rd Yomiuri Techno Forum Gold Medal Prize!

The Yomiuri Techno Forum was founded in 2011, and have provi…

The 97th CSJ Annual Meeting was held

The 97th CSJ Annual Meeting was held in Keio U…

Our recent work on C–H Imidation was selected as the Cover picture!

Our recent work on photoredox-catalyzed C–H imidation was se…

Announcement of the Award Winners for the 23nd Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemistry

The award winners for the 23rd Nagoya Medal of Organic Chemi…

Bachelor Thesis Presentation 2017

On March 6th, bachelor thesis presentation was held. From ou…



Dr. Akiko Yagi became an assistant professor in our group

Dr. Akiko Yagi has arrived from Prof. Ryan A. Shenvi in the …

Wakashachi Incentive Research Award Ceremony–Lecturer Dr. Hideto Ito

Lecturer Dr. Hideto Ito attended the 11th Wakashachi Incenti…

PhD Defense was held

PhD defense of Mr. Yoshidomi (D3), Mr. Uehara (D3) and Mr. K…

ITbM has been taken up by Nikkei newspaper!

ITbM has been taken up by Nikkei newspaper.…


"究極のものづくり”で世界を変える!分子が持つ無限大の可能性くわしくはこちらをClick: http://t…

Mater Thesis Presentation 2017

On February 14th and 15th, master thesis examination committ…

Valentine’s day 2017

We received a gift on valentine's day from female members of…

Welcome lunch for Gregory

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