PhD Defense was held in February 22th. Mr. Yutaro Saito, Mr.…
The talks of Prof. Itami and the article by Lecturer Ito are…
PCCP (Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Royal Society of …
Master thesis presentations were held in February 14th. Ms. …
Ms. Rika Kato (Monica, B4) got the ITbM Research Award for h…
ITbM (Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules, Nagoya Univ…
Our novel precise synthesis method of nanographens was highl…
Dr. Lin's work was highlighted as a press release! (Sorry, t…
Palladium-catalyzed annulative dimerization and its applicat…
Prof. Itami was awarded 2017 The Chemical Society of Japan A…
Dr. Kei Muto, who has graduated in 2015 and is now Assistant…
Carbon Nanobelt is featured in Nature. Take a look~~"Carbo…
On December 3rd, We took part in Ise-Marathon.…
伊丹教授が、クラリベイト・アナリティクス社によって2017 Highly Cited Researcherに選ばれました…
Prof. Itami was featured in the Technologist's magazine! But…
On November 3rd, lab trip 2017 was held.We went to Nagaham…
On October 30-31, Mr. Toya (M1) and Mr. Sakakibara (M1) join…
Mr. Saito (D3) and Mr. Sakakibara (M1) took part in 35th sym…