News Archives

Matsushima-san got a poster award!!

Ms. Kaho Matsushima (M1) got the poster award of 9th CSJ Che…

Prof. Itami was selected as a 2019 Highly Cited Researcher!

Prof. Itami was awarded 2019 Highly Cited Researchers by Cla…

Invitation lecture by prof. Tomislav Friščić

The invitation lecture by prof. Tomislav Friščić was held.…

Welcome lunch for Mr. Son

Welcome lunch for Mr. Bui Son Quy (B4) was held.…

Welcome lunch for Mr. Son

Mr. Hiroki Shudo got a poster award!!

Mr. Hiroki Shudo (M1) got the poster award in the 30th Sympo…

Prof. Segawa got the Nozoe Memorial Award!!

Prof. Yasutomo Segawa got the Nozoe Memorial Award in the 30…

(日本語) 博士研究員募集中

Sorry, this entry is only available in Japanese.…

Welcome lunch for Ms. Kinoshita

Ms. Hideyo Kinoshita joined our lab. She supports our experi…

Kaho Matsushima won a poster award in the 51st Summer School of Structural Organic Chemistry

Kaho Matsushima won a poster award in the 51st Summer School…

Chao’s paper has been selected as a front cover picture in Chem. Common.

Chao's paper on axially chiral azulenes has appeared on Chem…

Prof. Itami’s talk is in Science Portal! (Only Japanese)

Prof. Itami's talk is in Science Portal! (Only Japanese)…

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