
Late‐Stage Functionalization of Arylacetic Acids by Photoredox‐Catalyzed Decarboxylative Carbon–Heteroatom Bond Formation

Yota Sakakibara, Eri Ito, Tomohiro Fukushima, Kei Murakami, Kenichiro Itami
Chem. Eur. J. 2018
, Early view. DOI:10.1002/chem.201802143.

This work reports the photoredox‐catalyzed decarboxylative functionalization (imidation, carboxylation, and chlorination) of arylacetic acids. The reaction proceeds without pre‐activation of the nitrogen‐ or oxygen‐based coupling partners with good functional group compatibility. Carbon–chlorine bond formation was also feasible under similar reaction conditions. This efficient reaction of arylacetic acids enables to access pharmaceutical analogues and bioconjugates of pharmaceuticals and natural products.

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